A Case for Competitive Intelligence A SOFISTICAÇÃO DA ATIVIDADE DE INTELIGÊNCIA COMPETITIVA NO BRASIL: UM ESTUDO EXPLORATÓRIO Análise de informações de inteligência estratégica antecipativa coletiva: proposição de um método, caso aplicado e experiências Aspectos fundamentais da inteligência competitiva e a ciência da informação Business Intelligence – The quiet revolution Business Intelligence: Integrating Knowledge into the selection of Early Warning Signals. Competitive intelligence: preparing for the information war Criação de sentido e criatividade no monitoramento estratégico do ambiente. Developing Capabilities to Create Collective Intelligence within Organizations Environmental scanning as information seeking and organizational learning Gauging the returns on investments in Competitive Intelligence: A three-step analysis for executive decision makers Increasing your CIQ: The competitive Intelligence Edge INTELIGÊNCIA ESTRATÉGICA ANTECIPATIVA E COLETIVA PARA TOMADA DE DECISÃO Key Intelligence Topics: A Process to Identify and Define Intelligence Needs Know the Competition: Survey Spotlights Growing Need for Competitive Intelligence in Public Relations Le concept de « création collective de sens »: Un usage pertinent dans le contexte de veille anticipative stratégique (VAS-IC®)v Managing strategic surprise by response to weak signals O Benchmarking como suporte ao sistema de inteligência competitiva Peripheral Vision: Sensing and Acting on Weak Signals Making Meaning out of Apparent Noise: The Need for a New Managerial Framework PUZZLE: a concept and prototype for linking business intelligence to business strategy Reduzindo Incertezas na Interpretação de Sinais Fracos – A utilização de Redes Bayesianas na Análise Ambiental para o Planejamento Estratégico Scanning the business environment The Systems Revolution. Toward a Model of Organizations as Interpretation Systems Toward competitive intelligence Um modelo de Inteligência Organizacional