- Título: CI Product Line: A tool for enhancing user acceptance of CI
- Autor(es): DUGAL, M
- Ano de publicação: 1998
- Local de acesso: Link
- Assunto: Inteligência Competitiva
- Descrição: A competitive intelligence “product line” is useful for conveying the capabilities of CI departments to internal clients by illustrating the variety of intelligence products that are available. The author brings together a set of products that form a portfolio of CI outputs for a firm, discussing, in detail, the differences among: (1) current intelligence, (2) basic intelligence, (3) technical intelligence, (4) early warning intelligence, (5) estimated intelligence, (6) work group intelligence, (7) targeted intelligence, (8) crisis intelligence, (9) foreign intelligence, and (10) counterintelligence. These CI “products” are distinct from one another in terms of “shelf life,” audience, processes, sources, analytical tools, modes of dissemination, and costs.
CI Product Line: A tool for enhancing user acceptance of CI