- Título: Know the Competition: Survey Spotlights Growing Need for Competitive Intelligence in Public Relations
- Autor(es): Penoyer, Ron
- Ano de publicação: 2002
- Local de acesso: Link
- Assunto: Inteligência Competitiva em Relações Públicas – DEFINING CI’S ROLE IN PR
- Descrição: Professional communicators’ tools of the trade have remained relatively unchanged through the years. From media relations and financial/investor relations to issues management and internal relations, the fundamentals of public relations have been constant. More recently, however, communicators have begun to value competitive intelligence as a distinct, recognizable discipline in public relations that can help them succeed in an increasingly complex, information-intensive communication environment. In addition to traditional tools and methods, they need a broader, more sophisticated understanding of business strategy to make a positive impact on business performance through communication initiatives. Competitive intelligence fills that need. Today’s successful communication programs are based on a solid foundation of competitive intelligence and the understanding of business strategy it offer PR practitioners.
Know the Competition: Survey Spotlights Growing Need for Competitive Intelligence in Public Relations