- Título: Le concept de « création collective de sens »: Un usage pertinent dans le contexte de veille anticipative stratégique (VAS-IC®)
- Autor(es): ALAYA, L. B. F. B
- Ano de publicação: 2007
- Local de acesso: Link
- Assunto: Inteligência Antecipativa; Monitoramento Ambiental Competitivo
- Descrição: The concept of « collective sensmaking » : a relevant use in the context of « anticipatory and collective environmental scanning » (VAS-IC®) The concept of « collective sensemaking « (and well obviously the expression) being borrowed to another context different from the one in which we place ourselves here : the anticipatory and collective environmental scanning (what we call in French VAS-IC®), we fix then as objective, in this article, to show that it is of a relevant use (even original) in this context. With this intention, we start by putting forward the sense of the collective sensemaking which we admit in our research team and we justify the recourse to this concept to point out the phase which, in the process of VAS-IC®, makes it possible to transform information coming from the environment into action relevant for the managers. We show, then, that one second sense, suggested following a concept definition test compared to the terms which make it up, as well as other identified in the organizational literature (in various disciplinary fields) do nothing but strengthen the relevance of the of that concept use in the particular context of the VAS-IC®. Our ultimate goal will be to clarify the principal distinctive features of the concept that we have of the sensemaking in our research team.
Le concept de « création collective de sens »: Un usage pertinent dans le contexte de veille anticipative stratégique (VAS-IC®)v