- Título: L’intelligence économique au service de l’entreprise innovante
- Autor(es): Naima El Haoud
- Ano de publicação: 2011
- Local de acesso: Link
- Assunto: Inteligência Antecipativa; Monitoramento Ambiental Competitivo
- Descrição: ompetitive Intelligence to the Benefit of Innovative FirmsInnovation is a concept that is difficult to identify. It is a complex process that involves all the behaviors of the company. Innovation is a risk taking decisive choice. Today, it occupies a prominent position in corporate strategy.Innovative companies should have enough information about their environments that are characterized by fierce competition. This requires the need to take into consideration the competitors’ movements, the suppliers’ characteristics as well as the changing technologies. This data is undergoing constant change. It is, therefore, necessary to assess trends and to identify changes in order to be able to anticipate and to be innovativeCompetitive intelligence is a set of concepts, methods and tools that unify all coordinated research, acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of relevant information for companies. It is one of the key success factors of the company’s projects and backs up decision making. Moreover, it provides an absorptive capacity that highlights the existence of a new need and, thus, ensures the existence of a market for future innovation. It promotes the success of an innovation process through the development of inter-firm networks for the production of new resources.
L’intelligence économique au service de l’entreprise innovante